Merit badge Classes
- Art
- Archery
- Citizenship in the World/Nation/Community ( *citizenship in the society is NOT offered at CAP)
- Communications
- Cooking
- Emergency Prep
- Environmental Science
- Family Life, Personal Management, Personal Fitness (*homework takes 90 days)
- First Aid
- Game Design
- Inventing
- Leatherwork
- Theater
- Woodcarving
Blue Cards
What is a blue card?
A blue card is how a Scout tracks their progress when working on a merit badge. At CAP we use paper blue cards to track progress during our merit badge classes. At the end of each class Scouts will receive a paper blue card which tracks which requirements they have done.
*It is the Scout’s responsibility to hold onto and take those paper blue cards to their troop leadership to get their work recorded.*
CAP does NOT use Scoutbook.

Merit Badge Homework
Some merit badge classes do not complete all the work while at CAP. These requirements are considered homework to be done after the class is taken. The requirements not signed off on the blue card are considered homework and Scouts are responsible for completing that work on their own.
Once that homework is done Scouts can email the following to where our counselors can review and send back a completed blue card. Please be sure Scouts CC a parent or Scout leader in their email!
Emails should include:
- Scouts name (first and last)
- Merit badge
- Date of class
- Incomplete blue card received from class
- Homework (completed portion of workbooks/pictures of work)
What should my Scout wear?
There are no uniform requirements for our merit badge classes. Many Scouts wear their Scouting bottoms with a Troop t-shirt. Please make sure clothes are appropriate for the activity.
Can I drop my Scout off and leave for the day?
Parent/Guardians are welcome to stay for the class, but are not required to. Please chat with instructors prior to leaving for an estimated completion time for the class, as some classes do not take the entire scheduled time depending on the number of Scouts attending.
My Scout is sick/or had something come up, can we switch classes?
Yes! if something comes up or Scouts are sick we can switch registrations to another date. If this happens please reach out to our Registrar to get that change. We will need to know Scout’s name, class they are registered for, and what class you’d like to switch to. (Not all merit badge classes are the same cost and switching to a more expensive class will incur the difference in cost.)