scouting programs

Advancement Opportunities

In-Person/Virtual Merit Badges

Donald E. Scott Colorado Adventure Point (CAP) offers a variety of merit badges classes, colleges and Eagle required workshops. Classes are hosted every weekend onsite, and colleges are held onsite and at satellite locations for your convenience.

Adventures at CAP

Adventure Overnights

Bring your pack, troop, youth group, or sports team for an Overnight Adventure at Colorado Adventure Point. A great evening of fun, experience three amazing Adventures from our entire facility, roast some marshmallows at the fire pit in our Outdoor Adventure Zone and create some s’mores before bunking down with a movie.

Overnight Adventures include up to three Adventure Zones of your choosing; climbing, archery, BB guns, or leatherwork, all guided by our professional staff.

Weekend of Weekday Adventure

Bring your group to CAP for a couple of hours to rotate through activities of your choosing!

We run our events by splitting the overall group into smaller cohorts of up to 16 participants and rotating through your chosen activities.
Our cost is $75/hour for a group of up to 16 participants and includes any materials for the activities as well as a CAP instructor to lead. We can add additional youth for an additional cost ($150/hour for a group of up to 32 participants, $225/hour for a group of up to 48 participants, etc.)

 Activities can be chosen from the list below (each activity will last 45-60 minutes):

  • Climbing
  • Archery
  • BB guns/slingshots
  • Leatherwork
  • STEM Activities 

Request an Adventure